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At 11:56 am on the 25th of April 2015 an earthquake of 7.8 on the richter scale hit Nepal and spread 

                                                             devastation over many parts of the country. The earthquake killed more                                                                  than 8000 people leaving millions more homeless. Around the epicenter                                                                   in the Gorkha district and across the Kathmandu valley communities were

                                                              devastated and historic monuments destroyed. Tourism has been

                                                              drastically affected and has come at a time when Nepal is in desperate

                                                              need of the  revenue it provides. This has exacerbated the poverty in Nepal                                                    as 40% of people live in poverty which has a direct impact on the access to education. There is also a severe shortage of funds for learning tools such as classrooms, books and help for students who need extra support.                                               


Throughout my life I have enjoyed spending time in the mountains and was attracted to

the idea of being able to offer my help to children living in this beautiful mountainous

country. African and Asian Ventures (AV) is a non-profit social enterprise helping relieve

some of the problems in developing countries throughout the world, especially in

education.  They were established in 1993 and over 5,500 volunteers from more than 30 

countries have since contributed more than 1,200 man-years of service to deprived

communities. I have completetd a TEFL course to make the most of this opportunity. 


                                                                                            I will be living in a rural village in the Syangja district and                                                                                                 working in a school there. I will be teaching alongside a                                                                                                   Nepali teacher or another AV volunteer to provide some                                                                                                   extra assistance to those who are struggling. I will then                                                                                                   hopfully be travelling and trekking around Nepal and                                                                                                         learning about their fascinating culture.



I have a fundrasing target of £3300 and would be grateful if you would consider sponsoring me for the Atlantic trip to help me to achieve this target. Below is a link to my fundraising page and  I would be delighted if you could support me and make a difference to help those less fortunate than we are in our country. I hope to share my experiences in Nepal  by writing in my blog when I have internet access. 

Fundraising Link: 


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